The Rise of Digital Brand Builders as Performance Marketing Declines

The Rise of Digital Brand Builders as Performance Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of today, change is the only constant. So, to thrive in the competitive era, embracing the changes is the need of the hour. One of the significant shifts in recent times is the decline of performance marketing and the growing popularity of digital brand builders. Have you ever wondered why? Well, there are several reasons for the shift.

In this article, you will explore everything about the rise of digital brand builders and the decline of performance-only marketing. Let’s dive in!

An Overview of Performance-Only Marketing

Performance marketing refers to the marketing in which brands pay only when their business objectives are achieved. The core aim is to deliver businesses tangible and measurable ROI. Some of the popular examples of this marketing type are affiliate marketing and pay-per-click ads (PPC).

The Problem of Performance Marketing

There are several reasons for the fall of performance marketing. Delve into the most prominent ones!

  • Short-Term Orientation

Performance marketing is basically a short-term strategy that emphasises immediate results and often sacrifices brand building. In the long run, customer relationships and brand loyalty are likely to suffer.

  • Declining Productivity

Nowadays, consumers are familiar with this form of marketing. That is why most customers do not click through the ads or convert. As a result, it leads to a significant decline in the productivity of performance marketing.

An Overview of Digital Brand Builders

Digital brand builders mainly prioritise long-term activities focused on developing customer relationships and brand equity. While they understand that performance metrics are crucial, real marketing excellence stems from the integration of performance marketing and brand building.

Impact of Brand Building

Building a brand isn’t just a fancy marketing tactic. Instead, it is a crucial element that drives business growth and allows you to stay ahead in the competitive era. Delve into the key impact of brand building on your business!

  • Improves Brand Recognition

Brand recognition is all about how well your potential customers and target audience can recall your company and identify your offerings. Digital brand builders leverage strategic brand development techniques to increase the awareness of your business and drive more traffic. With enhanced brand recognition, your customers are more likely to choose you over other options available.

  • Enhances Customer Loyalty

Brand building plays a pivotal role in convincing potential customers that your products and services are better than any other competitor. As a result, winning their trust and loyalty and providing them with a positive experience becomes effortless.

  • Increases Advertising Effectiveness

With digital brand builders, you can establish a solid presence of your business online. So, whenever you launch a new product or your customers come across promotions of your brand, they are likely to be excited and curious. The higher your advertising effectiveness is, the more the chances of customers buying your product.

Key Components of Brand Building

Several elements are essential to build a strong brand. Delve into the key components!

  • Brand Identity: It involves all the unique verbal and visual elements representing the personality of a brand like taglines, logos, colour schemes, and brand voice.
  • Brand Strategy: Understanding the value propositions, target audience, and purpose of your business and effectively communicating them to the audience can ensure a successful brand strategy.
  • Brand Experience: This element focuses on delivering a positive and consistent experience to the customers at every touchpoint and interaction.
  • Brand Messaging: It is all about creating compelling and consistent messages to clearly communicate the brand story to the target audience.
  • Brand Awareness: This component involves the implementation of communication and marketing strategies to increase the recognition and visibility of the brand.

Brand Building vs Performance Marketing

No doubt, performance marketing and brand building are crucial components of a comprehensive marketing strategy. However, there are a lot of differences between the two. Read on to explore everything about branding vs. performance marketing!

  • Objective

The main goal of performance marketing is to drive immediate and measurable results that will have a direct impact on the bottom line of a business. On the other hand, brand building focuses on creating and enhancing overall perception, loyalty, and awareness related to a brand over the long term.

  • Time Period

The campaigns of performance marketing are designed to deliver quick responses and drive actions like conversions, clicks, and sales. However, brand building is a long-term approach that aims to gradually develop the identity and loyalty of a business over an extended period.

  • Channels

Performance marketing leverages digital channels for precise targeting and immediate tracking. It may include email marketing, search engine marketing, social media advertising, display advertising, and affiliate marketing. The brand building utilises a broader range of channels to establish a strong identity. The key channels include influencer marketing, content marketing, branded content, community engagement, and public relations (PR).

  • Metrics

The key metrics of performance marketing are conversion rate, click-through rate, cost per acquisition, and cost per click. On the other hand, the crucial metrics of brand building include customer loyalty, brand awareness, brand perception, brand equity, and sentiment analysis.

Top Techniques of Digital Branding

Are you wondering about the strategies used by digital brand builders to achieve the set objectives? Delve into the prominent digital branding techniques they use!

  • Content Marketing

In the digital era, the value of content cannot be undermined. Developing and promoting useful and relevant content can help capture the attention of your potential customers and ensure effective brand building. Content can be in the form of blog posts, social media shares, podcasts, and videos.

  • Influencer Marketing

The digital brand builders focus on partnering with influencers to build trust among the target audience and grow the reach of businesses. Influencer marketing helps humanise brands and ensure authentic promotion.

  • Social Media Interactions

This strategy involves cultivating a community of followers through regular activities across different social media channels. It may include commenting on posts, answering questions, or developing share-worthy content.


The future of digital marketing is indeed promising. However, having an idea of the latest digital advertising trends is crucial for optimal outcomes. Are you ready to take your brand success a notch higher? Partner with professional experts, share your unique needs, and ensure maximum digital brand growth.

Lovetto Nazareth

About The Author: Lovetto Nazareth

Lovetto Nazareth, owner of Prism Digital, brings over two decades of experience in advertising and digital marketing. Renowned for managing countless successful campaigns, he has generated millions in new leads. An avid adventure sports enthusiast and singer-songwriter, follow his diverse pursuits on social media @LovettoNazareth.

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